Feed Shark When I Grow Up: Not feeling very creative lately

29 July 2008

Not feeling very creative lately

I need some sort of wake up call, or muse, or daydream starter, or . . . hmmm, maybe a mini-vacation. I need some sort of impetus to get my brain re-started because it's in a state of atrophy sitting at this desk all day.

I seldom find my camera in my hands. I hate that. I mean, I love photography, but I never do it!

Actually, never isn't quite correct. Just very little.

I got a phone call last night - on the way home from an evening meeting and dropping off my oldest son with his Granparents - saying that my wife was going to sleep and I would find all the clothes I needed for the next day someplace other than our bedroom. She wasn't being mean about it, she just happens to be a light sleeper and I'm a very large impediment to that. Thus, I was in no hurry to get home.

I detoured to the campus of my alma mater in hopes of re-kindling some of the creativity that flowed through my brain during the 4 years I crammed into 5 to get a degree.

I'm not certain it worked, because I'm still in the dumps, but at least I took a few pictures.

Just after I got the tripod setup and shot a couple of test shots a group of people walked by and asked if I was "getting any good shots?" My answer is still, "It's too early to tell."


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