Feed Shark When I Grow Up: End of the Homeschool year trip

04 June 2009

End of the Homeschool year trip

That Tuesday was a very long day.

But, it was so worth it.

I left the house around 0630 (semi-typical) to head to the office for about a half-day. When I blew the doors off the place leaving @ 1300 hrs I knew I was so going to pay for it on Wednesday.

The boys love baseball. I'll repeat that for you. The boys LOVE baseball!

Almost as much as their mother does.

Our daughter - she could care less. She got to stay with grandparents & hang out with cousins.

We took them to Turner Field for the first game of the Braves vs. Cubs series in Atlanta this week. It was their first major league game.

We avoided the typical traffic jam associated with Atlanta until we got the I-75 downtown. It took us about 30 minutes to travel the last 6 miles or so to the park. Not bad considering I've sat in traffic for 3+ hrs waiting to get past Spaghetti Junction.

We parked (Green Lot - Chevron family value pack - pretty decent deal) and walked into see batting practice and find out just how high our nosebleed seats really were (section 402, R15) - way the heck up there, but not bad seats for poor, cheap SC folks, only one of whom is a Braves fan (certainly not me or the boys). Then it was time to wander and see the sights that bring thousands of people to their financial knees on a regular basis. I can't imagine the time, money, and energy it would take to attend all the home games.

Beer = $6 (and there were lots of folks walking around with 6-10 empty cups!); Hot dog = $4.50; Coke = $4.50; ad infinitum.

Pro Batter; Pro Batter Jr.; Braves Museum; Golden Moon Casino (entire level of box seats where the Miller High Life guys would have way too much work to do); and a host of other places to spend lots of time and money.

It was a pretty good game, from pretty good seats. We figured after the end of the 8th inning it would be wise to head down to left field and watch the 9th from the railings so we could get to the gates before the mad dash to the parking lot and crazy Atlanta traffic. The Braves had other ideas, much to my youngest son's chagrin.

He's a Cubs fan.

The game went to 12 innings and we stayed for the entire thing.

0500 Tuesday until 0138 Wednesday makes for a very long day.

0600 Wednesday makes for a very sleepy day as well.

I took a nap when I got home that afternoon.

BTW, the Cubs lost in the bottom of the 12th.

My wife is thinking about taking the youngest boy back to Atlanta this week for another Braves vs. Cubs game.

I'm staying home.

And sleeping.


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